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Newest Plants In Stock
Anthurium Veitchii x Forgetii Silver (or Radicans)
Sale price€39,00
Anthurium Superbum
Sale price€45,00
Anthurium Papillilaminum 'Em' x RLxFS F2
Sale price€50,00
Alocasia Polly Aurea Variegata
Sale price€59,00
Anthurium NSE Dressleri
Sale price€690,00
Alocasia Dragon Scale Variegata
Sale price€129,00
Monstera Mint
Sale price€95,00
Anthurium Carlablackiae (RA10 x self) x Dressleri NSE 'Obsidian'
Sale price€145,00
Anthurium Nigrolaminum ‘Gigi’ x Luxurians
Sale price€95,00
Anthurium King Of Spades / HU (Large)
Sale price€365,00
Anthurium Dressleri RG F3 (JV) x self - Seedlings
Sale price€60,00
Regular price€90,00
Anthurium ‘Sherpa’ (Dark Phoenix x RVDP) - Clone
Sale price€235,00

Coarse & Extra Coarse Perlite
Now available on pre-order!
Coarse and Extra Coarse perlite is expected to be available and shippable by end of February 2025! Place your pre-orders now to secure your stock!
Available in the following coarse grades:
- Coarse (8-15 mm)
- Extra Coarse (15-30 mm)
Perlite is a lightweight granular component made of expanded volcanic glass. As an additive, perlite icreases the earation and drainage of the potting media. Perlite can also be used as an additive to pon.
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